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Join the 13th annual Sustainable Enterprise Conference on June 22, 2018 at SOMO Village in Rohnert Park, California for a full day of inspiration, education and networking. Register by Friday and get First Chance pricing that includes all activities and lunch.

$65 First Chance passes – $185 for Exhibit Tables

Our 2018 theme Play, Work, Live for a Sustainable Future will explore sustainability on the personal, enterprise, and regional scale. Together we’ll examine the potential of our place and identify opportunities to leverage our unique abilities for a sustainable future.

New in 2018! One Planet Cafe.

As a way to increase the value of our networking time, we’re hosting table top dialogs on hyperlocal topics. This year we’re especially interested in equitable housing, tourism, recreation, community resilience, zero waste, and transportation. If you would like to lead a 30-minute table conversation, please submit by June 1, 2018:

Submit to be a table leader – host a conversation


We’re looking volunteers [students 16 years and up encouraged] to help take notes during the day. It’s a great way to be part of the day and includes a pass to the event and lunch.

Volunteer for 2018 Sustainable Enterprise Conference Sonoma

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Welcome Recology as an Enterprise Sponsor.

Recology has served communities in Northern California for almost 100 years, and is thrilled to now be in operation in Sonoma and Marin counties. Their rallying cry is “WASTE ZERO”, and they strive to find the best and highest use of all materials collected. This philosophy conserves resources, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and diverts material away from the landfill. Find out more about their services on their website www.Recology.com/SonomaMarin and “like” their Facebook page www.Facebook.com/RecologySonomaMarin to receive all of the latest news about zero waste in your community.

Join us on June 22 as a Sponsor or Exhibitor

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